
Find the Answers With Mathematics!

Level 3

Math is a subject that can open a world of opportunities and unlock your potential. It is a key skill that underpins almost every other subject, and it is essential for success in many areas of life. This class will take you through the fundamentals of mathematics, from rounding odd and estimation to more advanced topics such as time intervals conversions, drawing and identifying angles. With the help of experienced tutors, you will develop your problem-solving skills and gain a better understanding of the principles of mathematics. By the end of this level, students will have a strong foundation in mathematics and the confidence to tackle more complex mathematical problems.


Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate the accuracy of results obtained from round off and estimation.
  • Represent and solve complex problems involving the four mathematical operations.
  • Understand the science of zeros.
  • Use visualization to compare fractions.
  • Understand the relationship between the divisor, dividend, and quotient.
  • Recognize the pattern of the long division process and apply this knowledge to develop strategies to solve.
  • Measure and estimate lengths, weight, volume and capacity in standard units.
  • Understand the different ways of measuring, breaking and converting time.
  • Use mental mathematics and estimation to solve problems.
  • Create symmetrical art and designs by using basic geometric shapes and lines.
  • Geometric reasoning. 

Resources: Practice worksheets will be provided, games, activity sheets, rough notebook, stationary.

Educational Packages

Age Group: 6 to 9 years old

Number of classes: 3 / week
Fee: –